Housing Choice Voucher Program
Currently more than 3,000 families receive Housing Choice Vouchers (HCV) and over 800 landlords participate in the very popular rental assistance program in Lexington. This program utilizes privately owned rental properties which are leased to voucher holders who pay the greater of $50.00 or 30% of their adjusted income or 10% of gross income, with the Housing Authority paying the balance based on comparable and reasonable rents with other unassisted units in the area. All units must meet Housing Quality Standards and the landlord must be willing to participate in the program. The HCV program provides assistance for low income families in the private rental market through the Housing Assistance Payments Program.
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HUD Delays NSPIRE for Voucher Implementation Until 2025
On June 14, HUD’s Public and Indian Housing (PIH) Office of the Assistant Secretary sent an email to PHAs stating that the National Standards for the Physical Inspection of Real Estate for Vouchers (NSPIRE-V) implementation compliance deadline has been extended until October 1, 2025. The email notes that this extension is being granted because it understands that simultaneously implementing the multiple new regulatory requirements that HUD has promulgated has been difficult for PHAs. The HUD email makes the following points:
1. The compliance date for NSPIRE-V will be October 1, 2025—this will occur officially via a publication in the Federal Register;
2. HUD will reissue the original NSPIRE-V administrative notice with the new deadline;
3. Carbon monoxide alarm requirements remain in effect;
4. HUD will update the NSPIRE smoke alarm standard to include either hard wired or sealed, 10-year batteries in smoke alarms, and PHAs will still have to comply with this requirement by December 23, 2024;
5. The visual assessment standard for potential lead-based paint hazards still applies as NSPIRE did not revise the existing requirements;
6. Housing agencies that have existing approvals for criteria variations will still need those approvals reviewed by HUD, but the new deadline for doing so will be October 1, 2025.
Housing Choice Voucher participants select a unit from the private rental market. Rental assistance makes market rate housing affordable. Program participants normally pay no more than 30% of monthly adjusted income towards rent and utilities. The Housing Assistance Payment subsidizes the balance of the rent to the property owner.
The LHA's HCV waiting list is currently closed.
Tenants may view rental listings at GoSection8.
Even though a family is determined by the Housing Authority to be eligible for the program, the owner must approve the family as a suitable renter. The Housing Authority knows the owner has approved the family when a Request for Tenancy Approval form is submitted. If the lease and unit are satisfactory, the Housing Authority will enter into a contract with the owner, and the family will enter into a lease with the owner. After the Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) Contract and lease are signed, the Housing Authority makes the initial HAP payment and continues to make monthly payments to the owner as long as the family continues to meet eligibility criteria and the housing unit qualifies under the program.
Advertising and locating property has never been easier!
The Housing Authority has partnered with GoSection8, which provides an enhanced program to list rental properties online. Listings are available to potential Housing Choice Voucher tenants seeking apartment units, duplexes, single-family homes or town homes in the private market. If you have any questions regarding registering, creating or viewing property listings, please contact the GoSection8 toll-free help line at 1-866-466-7328.
*Landlords click here to add your rental property.
*It is recommended that landlords add photos to their listings for better advertising and faster lease up.