Related Websites
HUD’s Facebook currently has over 27,000 Fans following this global social networking website. You can become a Fan by visiting the website and by selecting the “Become a Fan” box near the top of the page. On the Wall you will find posts by HUD on the latest news topics. Once you are a Fan, you may post comments. You will find links to frequent subjects that our Fans have questions about in our “I want to” section on left side of the site. You will also find tabs for Info, which contains basic information about the location of HUD and other media networking sites, Photos, Boxes, Notes, and Videos.
HUD’s Twitter sites are free text-based posts of up to 140 characters known as “tweets” displayed on our page and delivered to our subscribers who are known as followers.
HUD’s YouTube contains videos on the Recovery Act, fair housing, housing counseling (some of which are in sign language).
HUD’s Flickr contains more than 70 images of HUD-related projects, logos, and photos on this image and video hosting website.